Infrastructure – Transportation and Transit
Speakers at a concurrent session on the creative reuse of aging infrastructure added three case studies to the growing list of success stories, including Chicago’s MetraMarket, Buffalo’s Erie Canal, and Hollywood Park in Los Angeles.
It is envisioned as one of the grandest parties in the Western Hemisphere—the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.
A report commissioned by Transportation for America shows that in a majority of metros with 1 million or more people, over half of seniors aged 65 to 79 will have poor access to mass transit in 2015.
Infrastructure Is Key Priority in President’s Budget. Last week, President Obama unveiled his FY2012 budget, which includes a strong emphasis on infrastructure. While the budget contains a five-year freeze in discretionary spending to reduce the federal deficit, the president pegged infrastructure as a catalyst for job creation, economic recovery, and global competitiveness.
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