Community and Neighborhood Development
ULI MEMBER–ONLY CONTENT: The Port of San Francisco’s 20-year, multibillion-dollar vision for the waterfront is designed to be adaptable to rising sea levels far into the future.
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This year, Urban Landprofiled each finalist for the 2020 ULI Urban Open Space Award. The winners have been announced and Domino Park is one of the two winners.
Ten venues provide places for community members to gather, play, compete, learn, and enhance wellness.
This summer, Urban Landwill be profiling online and in print each finalist for 2020’s ULI Urban Open Space Award. The winner(s) will be announced in the fall.
The ways in which people use and interact in commercial buildings—particularly office spaces—will likely be changed significantly due to the COVID-19 crisis, with building and workplace health being a top concern, according to two healthy-building experts featured on a ULI webinar.
Panelists talked about how the San Antonio region is faring versus other cities in Texas in attracting talented workers and corporate office tenants and where it can improve compared with cities of a similar size.
An area in Midtown Miami, split between the Wynwood and Edgewater neighborhoods, will be the study site for the 18th annual ULI Hines Student Competition.
The Chile-based global architect–and this year’s ULI J.C. Nichols lauraeate–has made extraordinary contributions to the design of affordable housing, public spaces, infrastructure, and transportation.
Using a facilitated conversation format honed at previous ULI meetings, the “fishbowl” at ULI’s Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C., brought together 12 experts to discuss the natural tension between cities’ need to encourage housing and economic development—and the community backlash that often results from specific proposals.
No introduction required for the Empire State Building, likely the most famous office building in the world. Already an icon and a historic landmark, it is also becoming a symbol of the future, thanks to a showcase renovation that overhauled the bones of the 88-year-old structure, and ongoing efforts to implement ULI’s Tenant Energy Optimization Program (TEOP), the focus of a half-day event in that building in July.
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