ULI’s Guide to Climate Week N.Y.C. 2024 for Real Estate

Hundreds of events are scheduled September 22-27 for Climate Week NYC 2024, an annual event that drives climate action by those at the very top of business and politics, but also by communities, artists, and activists.

This year’s theme: It’s Time. The built environment is a part of the dialogue, as are cross-sector issues like circular economy, water, finance, biodiversity, adaptation, health, environmental justice, policy, and more. With more than 600 events to choose from, it’s easy to assemble a perfect, customized itinerary for the week.


Lower Manhattan, New York.


Hundreds of events are scheduled September 22-27 for Climate Week NYC 2024, an annual event that drives climate action by those at the very top of business and politics, but also by communities, artists, and activists.

This year’s theme: It’s Time. The built environment is a part of the dialogue, as are cross-sector issues like circular economy, water, finance, biodiversity, adaptation, health, environmental justice, policy, and more. With more than 600 events to choose from, it’s easy to assemble a perfect, customized itinerary for the week.

ULI’s guide to Climate Week NYC 2024 for commercial real estate

The list below is a sampling of top events for real estate professionals.

Sunday Sept. 22

- 9a-6p: HBCU Green Fund, Donors of Color, Columbia World Projects, ACE Observatory, Open Government Partnership, and Columbia Climate School “Climate Justice Summit Day 1

Monday Sept. 23

- 8a-5p: InnSure Climate Forum “Day 1: Insurance’s Role in the Energy Transition”

- 11:30a-1p: Saint Gobain “Sustainable Construction Talks”

- 4p-6p: Climate Resolve “Enlisting Sunlight in the Fight Against Climate Change

- 5p-7:30p: BE-Ex “Climate Week Kickoff: Net Zero Networking Evening

- 5:30p-9p: “Climate Justice Summit Day 2

Tuesday Sept. 24

- 8a-10a: Arup “Adapting Critical Infrastructure to Evolving Climate ThreatsBreakfast Panel Discussion”

- 8a-5p: InnSure Climate Forum “Day 2: Managing Risk for Community Resilience”

- 12p-2p: EY “Strategic climate risk management: a new lens to value protection

- 1p-3:30p: EDF and the Salata Institute at Harvard “Driving Decarbonization through Insurance Innovation

- 2:30p-4p: Morningstar Sustainalytics “Financing the Transition

- 2:30p-5:30p: Resilient Cities Catalyst “Practitioner TrainingHands-on learning of our Gold Standard/RCC Adaptation Framework for climate resilience”

- 5p-8p: The American Wood Council (AWC) and WoodWorks “Building with Wood: Nature’s Climate Solution

- 6p: PHIUS Webinar “Phius 2024 Standard Update Part 2

- 6:30p-10p: WBCSD “Visualizing the Business Case for Sustainability: A Corporate Performance & Accountability Movie Night”

Wednesday Sept. 25

- 8a-1p: WBCSD “Climate Catalyst Program: managing physical risk & building climate resilience”

- 9a-11a: BE-Ex, RMI, NYSERDA, and ULI “Decarbonize by Design: The Transformative Impact of Charrettes

- 12p-2:30p: EY “Emission impossible: advanced decarbonization strategies for Scope 1 emissions

- 1p-5p: Johnson Controls “Cracking the Code: Decarbonizing the Built Environment

- 5:30p-7:30p: BE-Ex “Get WISE to EJ: Bridging the Gap Between Equity & Electrification

Thursday Sept. 26

- 8:30a-10:30a: ULI NY “Inflation Reduction Act: Implications for Real Estate

- 8:30a-10:30a: ICC, RICS, AIA New York “Decarbonizing Buildings: Taking a Whole Life Cycle Approach”

- 9a-11:30a: Tailwind “Extreme Heat & Health Innovation

- 1p-2p: Center for Active Design (CfAD)/Fitwel Webinar “Building for Tomorrow | Enhancing Resilience in the Built Environment During the Climate Crisis

- 3p-6p: The New York Climate Exchange, Pace University, and the University of Miami “Evaluating Climate Risks & Opportunities: Financial Sector Modeling and Resilience Infrastructure Financing Opportunities

- 5:30p-8:30p: BREEAM and NBI “Built to Drive Value: Reframing Real Estate’s ESG Story

- 5:30p-8:30p: Henning Larsen and Holcim “Pecha Kucha presentations on the topic of Collaborative Decarbonization

Friday September 27

- 9:30a-11:30a: WBCSD “How to accelerate supply chain decarbonization at scale

- 2p-5p: Refrigerant Emissions Elimination Forum (REEF) “It’s Time: The Role of Refrigerants

In addition, these pre-Climate Week events are available to those who come early:

- Sept. 10-12:Arup webinar series “How can digital and AI help us achieve meaningful climate impact, here and now?

- Sept. 18: HKS “Science Summit at UNGA79: The Brain Economy For One Health

- Sept. 19: The Consulate General of Finland in New York and Business Finland “Built Environment in the Spotlight: Decarbonizing Buildings Across Finland and the U.S.”

Marta Schantz is the co–executive director of the Randall Lewis Center for Sustainability in Real Estate at ULI, which leads the global real estate industry in creating buildings and places where people and the environment thrive.
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