Master-Planned Communities
In this 2014 book, now available in paperback, transit advocate Benjamin Ross highlights some of the origins of suburban sprawl in the United States.
Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority has transformed Marina Bay into mixed-use urban neighborhood. public open space, and source of drinking water for the country’s 5.4 million residents.
Developers in Colorado—which has a statewide vacancy rate of just 4.5 percent—are responding to increased demands from millennials and baby boomers for housing focused on healthy and intergenerational living, said Patrick Coyle, director of the state’s housing division, at the closing general session of the ULI Housing Opportunity 2014 conference in Denver.
Willowsford is a master-planned community in suburban Washington, D.C., with a range of luxury single-family housing and a wealth of amenities, including a working farm that grows more than 200 varieties of produce for residents.
Retailers large and small, from Wal-Mart and Safeway on down to Local D’Lish and Mayberry Foodstuffs, are reshaping the urban grocery experience. And with traditional grocers like A & P filing for bankruptcy, independent grocers and national chains alike are seeking a place in the multiple-niche urban environment. Read how retailers are meeting city customers’ needs in mixed-use projects in 2011.
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