Public Policy
In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote multimodal transportation, and create a diversity of land uses, California has enacted a bill that will alter the way that transportation impacts are evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The U.S. Surgeon General urged land use professionals to partner with him in his nationwide campaign to curb the rise of chronic diseases and obesity and to encourage a physically active lifestyle, in a talk at the National Institutes of Health.
The ULI Terwilliger Center for Housing has announced the winners of this year’s housing awards, a program that celebrates and promotes the exemplary efforts of real estate and public policy leaders from across the country who are working to expand affordable and workforce housing opportunities.
Can New York City really build or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing over the next ten years?
As walkable urban places have become more commonplace across the national real estate landscape, the subject of affordability within these communities has become a greater concern.
State and municipal governments are taking steps to ensure the safety of their coastal communities by implementing more stringent design and building standards for new construction and redevelopments. They also are beginning to replace old infrastructure.
Coastal cities and regions should view private development of waterfront areas as a tool to combat the effects of climate change while also creating jobs, providing much-needed housing, and spurring economic growth, said the chief executive officer of the Bay Area Council, a business advocacy group in the San Francisco Bay area.
A new competition for U.S. federal disaster relief funds will reward forward-thinking proposals that build resilience within communities, rather than those that rebuild in the same places using outdated methods, said HUD’s Harriet Tregoning, speaking at a ULI event.
For the first and second U.S. cities to start building networks of modern protected bike lanes, the payoff seems to have arrived. In both Washington, D.C., and New York City, the rate of bike commuting has doubled since 2009, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released Thursday.
To determine a city’s affordability, housing costs cannot be viewed in a vacuum. Transportation costs are also a major factor, according to a new policy brief, Location Affordability in Large U.S. Cities: Variability among Types of Households, from the Citizens Budget Commission (CBC) in New York City.
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