Industry Voices
The strategy to address climate change’s impact on real estate development and deals went from being a “nice to have” to a “must have,” said sustainability leaders speaking at the 2022 ULI Fall Meeting in Dallas.
As built environment professionals, our decisions and actions have significant impacts on the lives of others. In recognition of our responsibility to support conditions that improve the health, environmental quality, economic vitality, and social equity of communities, a subset of ULI members, under the auspices of the ULI Health Leaders Network, has generated a position statement—“Commitment to Health and Equity in the Built Environment”—to affirm health and equity as core values of our work.
New Land Enterprises is leasing up Ascent MKE, the tallest mass timber building in the world at 25 stories, in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Sponsored Content:How, where, and why offices are used and designed has constantly evolved for over 100 years. Yet no era unearthed more questions than today’s post-COVID world as firms and employees try to navigate the transformed office landscape. We will break down some common questions employers have and our answers to them.
Technology and contributions from all stakeholders will be crucial if Asia’s cities are to meet their net zero targets. Earlier this year, a series of three webinars organized by ULI China Mainland covered the efforts and challenges of several cities and organizations around the world to give some focus to the efforts in Beijing, which is one of the cities in ULI’s Net Zero Imperative initiative. The discussions also focused on the Chinese capital as well as Hong Kong and Singapore.
Belgium Prime Minister Alexander De Croo opened the 2022 ULI Europe Conference discussing the two crises impacting Europe: war on the European continent and the lingering global pandemic.
Yesterday’s general session titled “Real Estate, Construction, Infrastructure, and Logistics” was delivered by Dr. Parag Khanna, managing partner of FutureMap and author of Connectography: Mapping the Future of Civilization.
The spring 2020 issue marks William P. Macht’s last as author of Urban Land’s widely popular column, Solution File. While the column will continue under other expert bylines, we wanted to take a moment to honor Macht’s past 20 years of contributions to the magazine and to industry thought leadership.
In a world where consumers have grown accustomed to streaming whatever movies they want on demand and having purchases delivered to their doorsteps the next day, commercial real estate needs to focus its efforts in innovation on providing better consumer experiences, panelists said at the “Innovative Trends in Commercial Real Estate” session at the 2021 ULI Fall Meeting in Chicago.
First launched in 2017, the podcast Leading Voices in Real Estate (LVRE) recently celebrated it’s 100th episode. The podcast is hosted by Terra Search managing partner and founder Matt Slepin and has featured many of ULI’s leaders including ULI CEO Ed Walter. Slepin recently hosted a two-part discussion of the challenges facing the commercial real estate industry tackling climate change.
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