Natalie Ambrosio Preudhomme

Natalie Ambrosio Preudhomme is an associate director at Moody’s Analytics.

Hurricanes damage and disrupt communities, properties, and economies in various ways, whether direct, indirect, or both. Translating these impacts into credit risk and other financial implications can be complex. However, a range of tools and analyses enables lenders, investors, and developers to pre-emptively anticipate hurricane damage when a storm approaches, as well as to adjust long-term strategy to mitigate risks and seize opportunities over time.
Some commercial real estate owners face rising costs due to climate risk
Until recently, insurance was a straightforward part of commercial real estate transactions—an important component, but generally a simple check-the-box exercise with predictable annual increases aligned with inflation. In the past few years, things have changed drastically, with skyrocketing premiums that have jarring implications for underwriters and owners.
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