Elizabeth Razzi

Elizabeth Razzi served as editor in chief of Urban Land from 2011-2021. She has been a writer and an editor for The Washington Post, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, and other publications.

Design is the language through which the built environment communicates with people. It speaks even when we are not paying attention. We receive its message as we choose to walk into a building or to pass it by, to linger or to leave, to lose ourselves in an environment or to be overly conscious of self and space. The power of such communication is what makes it so enjoyable to present design articles in Urban Land. Excellent design is fundamental to every successful project.

We might have called this our “having fun” issue, considering how much discussion there is throughout about shopping, dining, traveling, and otherwise enjoying leisure time.
Urban Landmagazine proudly presents its new group of 40 Under 40 winners, selected in a program that draws on ULI’s global reach to identify and celebrate some of the best and brightest young professionals across all land use disciplines.
Urban Land’s global readership might well look at this issue’s cover package, which focuses on land use examples in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, area, and wonder what’s in it for them.
A renowned global investor and the chairman of ULI Asia Pacific reflects on opportunity and risk in a low-interest-rate environment.
The place we call home dictates so much of the rest of our lives—not least of which is the amount of money available for the rest of life’s necessities and pleasures.
As I write about the articles in this issue, the image of a beachgoer bargaining with the tide comes to mind.
Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant told one story about this great city. But, to most Americans, whether they have set foot on Philadelphia soil or came to know it only through their history lessons, few cities are as familiar.
While density is the cover topic of this issue of Urban Land, it would be fair to say that density is a prevailing theme of this magazine’s content throughout the year.
Our last issue of 2015 always takes a look forward. The Emerging Trends in Real Estate® 2016 report, of course, calls attention to what ULI members expect in coming years. We summarize the results of the U.S. and Canada survey in this issue; those for the Asia Pacific region and Europe will be covered in our next issue.
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