Andrew Warren

Andrew “Andy” currently serves as the Director of Real Estate Research at PWC. As the Director of Real Estate Research, Andy is responsible for monitoring all aspects of real estate, including space market fundamentals, capital market trends, regulatory changes and operational developments. For the past three years, Andrew has co-authored the U.S. and Canadian editions of Emerging Trends in Real Estate. Andrew is a frequent speaker on issues affecting the real estate market and has also authored numerous articles for internal clients and national real estate publications. Prior to assuming his current role, Andy served as the Managing Director of Real Estate Research for Principal Global Investors, the fourth largest institutional real estate manager in the U.S. At Principal, Andy held a progressive level of analyst and management positions over his 25 year career representing research as a voting member on a variety of real estate investment funds.

Real estate economists boosted their outlook for economic growth in March’s ULI Real Estate Economic Forecast, compared with the survey of six months ago. The expectation for stronger economic growth is accompanied by the potential for higher inflation and interest rates. The higher rates, however, are not projected to be detrimental to real estate returns: Forecasts for industrial returns are higher than in the previous survey.
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