Crystal Lo

Crystal Lo is a senior associate for marketing and communications with ULI Asia Pacific.

Twenty-four exceptional real estate development projects have been shortlisted as finalists for the 2022 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence among the 62 projects submitted entries to the competition from across the region.
Ensuring inclusion and access to all, embodying Hong Kong’s societal values and global identity, safeguarding Hong Kong’s heritage for future generations, and committing to sustainability are among some of the ideas suggested in a new ULI report on how a Hong Kong harbor development can best serve the local community.
ULI Asia Pacific, together with its member co-chairs, has announced the formation of three new product councils this quarter: Industrial and Logistics, Transit-Oriented Development and Infrastructure, and Office.
A ULI urban resilience study shows how culture can contribute to the resilience of a city by driving mutual cooperation among residents, supporting the high costs of infrastructure investment, and inspiring private developers to accept and exceed some of the strictest building regulation in the world.
Twelve outstanding real estate development projects from across the Asia Pacific region have been selected as winners of the 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence, which is widely recognized as one of the real estate industry’s most prestigious award programs. A ceremony honoring the winners took place at the 2021 ULI Asia Pacific Summit.
ULI OnPoint, which first launched in January, was adapted and tailored for the Asia Pacific region in March.
Thirteen outstanding real estate development projects have been selected as winners of the 2020 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence. The winners, each of which demonstrates a comprehensive level of quality and a forward-looking approach to development and design, include four projects in China, two in Hong Kong, two in Australia, two in Singapore, and one each in India, Japan, and New Zealand.
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