Clifton E. Rodgers, Jr.

Clifton E. Rodgers, Jr., is senior vice president of The Real Estate Roundtable, a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C.

Commercial real estate already faces many challenges because of an unprecedented rise in interest rates, tightening credit capacity, uncertainty in the office market, a $2.6 trillion wave of maturing debt over the next four years, and overall economic anxiety. Adding to this complexity, financial regulators are pushing for a significant increase in capital requirements—by as much as 20 percent—for the nation’s largest banks via the Basel III “endgame.”
It will be years before we know the full details and impacts of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill, signed by President Obama in July. How will it impact commercial real estate? A top executive of the Real Estate Roundtable gives you a look into some key provisions that hold special meaning for CMBS issuers and investors, as well as firms who want to manage their risk exposure through over-the-counter derivatives.
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