Alexander Kalamaros

The ULI Los Angeles Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Summit 2011 was held in early June in Pasadena, California. Read how rail transit is rejoining buses and cars as part of the state’s overall transportation mix, and how TOD projects at rail stations like those in Pasadena are setting the stage for a new pattern of denser, more walkable development that also helps cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Los Angeles transportation advocates want 30 years of infrastructure investment to be accelerated to take place in the next decade. The question is to what extent current leadership will embrace this vision. If it takes hold, could L.A’s example help other U.S. cities bolster infrastructure investment, generate jobs, and ultimately set the stage for a new phase of more environmentally conscious urbanization?
Organizers of Expo 2010 have put together a set of five pavilions and a best practices area based on the “Better City Better Life” theme. The organizers have clearly sought to examine the “Better City” theme in a straightforward and easily comprehended manner. Read about how the Urbanian Pavilion, Pavilion of City Being, Pavilion of Urban Planet and others portray their messages.
While development in the United States may be stalled, Expo 2010 gives China an exceptional moment to shine. Expo 2010 constitutes yet another instance of China’s emerging global economic power and the magnitude of the historic urbanization that has taken place there over more than two decades. Read about the window into the future of development and China’s role in it, which is evident at Expo 2010.
Given the level of new system plans underway with Measure R, a greater level of transit-oriented development advance planning in Los Angeles is both necessary and likely until proposals for development around stations correspond with market opportunities and project plans can become real business transactions. How are local officials partnering with ULI to find ways to realize the potential of the region’s light-rail system?
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