Asia Pacific
Sid Yog, the founding partner of Xander Group, reflected on his career in discussion with ESR Hong Kong managing director Rui Hua Chang during a fireside chat at the ULI Asia Pacific Summit 2023 in Singapore.
Curating and creating great spaces is at the heart of what industry players in the built environment sector do every day. Placemaking is the “art and science” of turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.
As the real estate industry focuses increasingly on the mantra of carbon efficiency, owners and occupiers are scrambling to find ways to reduce carbon footprints. A recent ULI conference in Hong Kong brought together experts across a range of disciplines to discuss the migration to net zero for both new and retrofitted buildings.
The 17th edition of the Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Asia Pacific, the regional real estate forecast jointly published by ULI and PwC, highlights a downtick in investor sentiment due to concerns over the rising cost of debt, higher inflation, and a looming global recession. A dip in regional transaction volumes is apparent, with the third-quarter deal count in the Asia Pacific falling 38 percent year-on-year to US$32.6 billion, recording the lowest third-quarter volumes for a decade in the region.
A confluence of economic and geopolitical trends is changing global supply chains and driving increased demand for industrial and logistics real estate in Southeast Asia, according to industry leaders at ULI Asia Pacific’s REImagine conference.
The 2022 ULI Asia Pacific Home Attainability Index analyzes home attainability, both for ownership and rent, in 28 cities in five countries in the Asia Pacific region including Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. These countries have a combined population of approximately 1.8 billion or 21 percent of the world’s population.
Kartini Omar is group director of parks development and Jurong Lake Gardens at the National Parks Board of Singapore. This interview was conducted in June as part of a series designed to celebrate park visionaries and share inspiring and practical insights into their perspectives, challenges, and advice.
The ULI Asia Pacific Summit, held in Hong Kong and livestreamed in late August, devoted considerable time to questions of climate resilience, but one panel in particular focused on building cooperative community resilience in Asia.
According to the 2022 Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index, four of the top five countries for cryptocurrency adoption are emerging markets, with the United States listed in fifth place.
The importance of education, China’s economic resilience and the urgent need for Hong Kong to open its borders once more were covered by Weijian Shan, executive chairman of PAG and one of Asia’s leading business figures, at the ULI Asia Pacific Summit in Hong Kong.
With investors across the Asia Pacific continuing to avoid mainstream asset classes as they seek out higher returns and more reliable income streams, attention has turned increasingly to “living assets”—a broadly defined concept that includes the multifamily, senior living, and student housing sectors.
The 2024 Asia Pacific Home Attainability Index by ULI offers a comprehensive overview of housing attainability across the Asia Pacific region. In this third edition, the report includes data from three additional cities—Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and Perth—expanding its coverage to 48 cities in 11 countries, namely, Australia, China (including Hong Kong SAR), India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Despite the monetary headwinds and continued economic uncertainty around the world, there is a strong belief that the global real estate industry is at a “pivot point,” with improving prospects ahead for renewed investment activity, according to the latest Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Global Outlook 2024 from PwC and the Urban Land Institute.
Hong Kong
Twelve developments from across Asia have been selected as winners of the 2024 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence, one of the real estate industry’s most prestigious honors. Announced at the 2024 ULI Asia Pacific Summit held in May in Tokyo, this year’s award winners include projects in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and the Philippines. These winners will automatically qualify as nominees for the 2024 ULI Global Awards for Excellence, where they will compete against projects from North America and Europe.
The Dasha River Ecological Corridor focuses on the ecological restoration project in the Nanshan district of Shenzhen, China. The project, led by China Resources Land and master planned by AECOM, aims to restore the watercourse that connects the coastal Nanshan district to the northern mountainous area of the city.
ULI Asia Pacific report builds the business case.
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