ULI Advisory Services: 70-Plus Years of Creative Solutions

From recommending how communities in Puerto Rico can better prepare for extreme weather events to how Atlanta can “stitch” a divided downtown back together with new streets, buildings, and parks, ULI members have provided creative solutions to the most complex land use challenges facing communities for more than 70 years through the Institute’s Advisory Services program.


Members of a ULI Advisory Services Panel in Atlanta.

From recommendinghow communities in Puerto Rico can better prepare for extreme weather events tohow Atlanta can “stitch” a divided downtown back together with new streets,buildings, and parks, ULI members have provided creative solutions to the mostcomplex land use challenges facing communities for more than 70 years throughthe Institute’s Advisory Services program.

“It’s an excellent program and hasobviously stood the test of time,” says Rick Krochalis, a full member of ULI since1989. “You can connect with your colleagues and really give back. The programis a great way to stay involved within ULI as a real, contributing member.”

ULI’s Advisory Services program “bringstogether leaders from across the fields of real estate and land use policy toexchange best practices and help serve the community’s needs,” Michael Bloom, full member since 2014, saysregarding his recent involvement with the Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, panel, convened in December 2018. “The experience wasvery rewarding and intense.”

Panel members delve deeply intothe communities they visit, helping residents gain fresh perspective and cometo innovative solutions for complex land use and real estate developmentchallenges.

“No matter the end result of the project, I already see how this weeklong assignment has positively affected and engaged the local community,” says Wei Haung, full member since 2015, reflecting on “The Stitch” panel in Atlanta, convened this past February.


Michael Bloom (right) chats with Toa Baja’s Mayor Betito Márquez after the public presentation of the panel’s recommendations in Puerto Rico.

Contributing to theInstitute’s mission of creating and sustaining thriving communities across theglobe, Krochalis, Huang, and Bloom’s participation in the Advisory Servicesprogram helps shape the future of the industry through the exchange of expertise,best practices, and lessons learned.

“The panel report andpresentation serve to share knowledge,” Bloom says.“Whether a professional service provider, a developer, or anyone else withinthe ULI family, we are all interested in best practices and lessons learned. Sohaving a written report that tells the story will certainly make for betterprojects, activities, and outcomes in the future.”

Over the past year, nearly100 members have expressed their interest in the Advisory Services program for myriadreasons, both personal and professional. The program fosters collaborationamong ULI members to provide their expertise and promote best practices. Thehard work and long hours required as part of a panel visit pay off inexperience and professional development.

Over the past year, 65percent of Advisory Services panels have included one or more panelists recruitedthrough Navigator.

Launched in spring 2017 andexclusive to members, Navigator helps members find and connect to ULIopportunities to lead and volunteer by providing access to about 500 differentways to get involved across the organization, on a local or global level.

“If you are a new member oryou don’t know what ways there are to get involved, Navigator is youropportunity to say, ‘This is what I am interested in doing. What do you havefor me?’” says Krochalis, who has served on three Advisory Services panels as aresult of Navigator. “I found the process of applying through Navigator veryeasy and view it as electronic networking.” With Navigator, members can ensure thatthey are being connected to the right person at ULI who can help them becomemore involved.

For more information on joining an Advisory Services panel or on other ways to get involved across ULI, visit Navigator.

Sarah Kennedy is an associate with the ULI Member Engagement team.
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