Tiffany Adair

Tiffany completed her Master of Landscape Architecture degree at the University of Guelph in 2023, following a Bachelor of Fine Arts, in Art and Design, from the University of Alberta in 2014. She is a Métis woman from Amiskwaciy Waskahikan, otherwise known as Edmonton, Alberta. She is on a journey of exploring and learning about her Métis roots. Her ultimate career goal is to help protect all our more-than-human kin, including the land and water, through a focus on reparation of relations with them by uplifting Indigenous World Views and Knowledge while contributing to decolonization in Canada.

This Urban Landseries introduces real estate and built environment professionals to Indigenous-led organizations working on issues of environmental and climate justice in the built environment as they pertain to Indigenous communities. In addition to profiling the work of these organizations, the series covers why these intersections are critical to understand within the wider conversation on climate change and social equity. This iteration is a follow up to a similar series of profiles created in 2020 on environmental justice.
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