Sandy Apgar

Sandy Apgar advises senior executives and board members on real estate strategy and management. An award-winning consultant, author, and public official, he is a long-serving ULI member and ULI Foundation governor, and has been the chair of three ULI product councils.

The United States has fallen behind other nations in crafting public/private partnerships to leverage resources for critically needed infrastructure improvements. A global panel of experts explores how that might be changed.
Four takeaways on the use of data science to measure professionals’ interactions in new office designs based on the new Boston Consulting Group workplace at New York City’s 10 Hudson Yards.

In today’s 24/7 world, people should ask, “Why does an organization need a workplace?” Anyone can work anytime, anywhere—and millions do. Yet for most, the workplace remains the soul of an organization: neither mission nor strategy more definitively announces its priorities and core values. These and other questions were taken head-on in January 2017, when the Boston Consulting Group, a global strategy and management consulting firm, relocated its New York City office—BCG’s largest—to 10 Hudson Yards.
Planned communities require long-term financial commitments and sophisticated oversight from capital sources.
ULI Foundation Governor Sandy Apgar writes about his experience traveling to Havana, Cuba, with fellow Governors where they observed a nation on the brink of change and a people full of entrepreneurial spirit.
At last year’s Consumer Electronics Show, a unique fusion occurred: real estate, which ultimately is about presence, met phones and other devices that link people and places.
How developers and government agencies make public/private partnerships succeed.
It takes vision and true collaboration to derive the full potential of public/private partnerships.
Do you have all the information you need to run your business? Many organizations have spent heavily on information technology and incurred substantial risks—yet they still do not have the information they need. Ask yourself these five questions.
Strategy is your organization’s guide to long-term success. If the recession and uncertainty have clouded your current strategy, consider recasting it both for short-term survival and for long-term sustainment.