
August Williams-Eynon

August Williams-Eynon is a senior associate with the Greenprint Center for Building Performance and the Urban Resilience team, both housed in the ULI Center for Sustainability and Economic Performance.

How can existing buildings be retrofitted to withstand increasing climate risks? It is no secret that most buildings in use today are not prepared to handle stronger storms, higher sea levels, and longer wildfire seasons. With two-thirds of 2040’s global building stock already built, these structures must be addressed, according to a new ULI report, Resilient Retrofits: Climate Upgrades for Existing Buildings.
In 2021, the New York City Housing Authority enlisted the help of ULI New York and the Institute’s Urban Resilience Program through a virtual technical assistance panel to assess how to boost climate resilience at one of its residential campuses, Marlboro Houses, in the Gravesend neighborhood of Brooklyn. Home to more than 4,000 New Yorkers, the site was damaged by Superstorm Sandy, with residents experiencing basement flooding and heat and power outages lasting up to a week.
A growing number of resilient buildings can serve as models for how to embed resilience in building design and economics, ensuring that both inhabitants and financial performance are protected in the long run.
The path to net-zero buildings may sound daunting, but five technologies can help break it down: reduce building energy demand as much as possible, use sensors to optimize what cannot be eliminated, and turn to renewables to meet whatever demand remains through on-site and then off-site options, with batteries to make sure the power is there when needed. Experts speaking at an on-demand session outlined how key technologies can work in concert to achieve the net-zero goal.
Collaborative efforts were celebrated at a Centre for Liveable Cities World Cities Summit Preview event on climate resilience in January, which explored how to accelerate cooperation between the public and private sectors.
In a recent ULI webinar, four experts in design, development, and sustainability explored the opportunities and challenges inherent in repositioning buildings.
The Salt Lake City area experienced a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in March just days after national and state public emergencies were declared in response to the coronavirus pandemic; Los Angeles also experienced a similar-sized earthquake in June. To help municipalities in the Salt Lake City region create a more resilient and equitable disaster response to this and future earthquakes, ULI Utah—with the support of the Institute’s Urban Resilience Program—brought in local and national experts for a webinar on how Utah and other seismically vulnerable places can start preparing today for the “Big One” that could arrive any day.
Leading development and construction companies participating in a ULI webinar showcased how innovation in design and construction is reducing environmental impact, with significant savings that can offset any added cost.
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