Sheila Boudreau, AALA

Sheila Boudreau is the founder and principal landscape architect and planner at SpruceLab, a transdisciplinary planning and landscape architecture firm, based in Toronto, and WBE certified (diversity supplier). She has over 27 years of experience following degrees in Landscape Architecture, Fine Art, and a Master of Arts in Planning. In 2020, she established SpruceLab to be collaborative and nature-based with a community focus, and the intention to prioritize Indigenous voices to honour her Mi’kmaq ancestors in this work.

This Urban Landseries introduces real estate and built environment professionals to Indigenous-led organizations working on issues of environmental and climate justice in the built environment as they pertain to Indigenous communities. In addition to profiling the work of these organizations, the series covers why these intersections are critical to understand within the wider conversation on climate change and social equity. This iteration is a follow up to a similar series of profiles created in 2020 on environmental justice.
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