Sandy Apgar

Sandy Apgar advises senior executives and board members on real estate strategy and management. An award-winning consultant, author, and public official, he is a long-serving ULI member and ULI Foundation governor, and has been the chair of three ULI product councils.

The real estate industry, especially in America, has been built through entrepreneurship. But the current recession, with its inevitable downsizing and mergers, sapped the drive that propels entrepreneurs to succeed. In the first of three articles on topics of central importance to leaders of real estate enterprises large and small, read about five initiatives that can recharge and refocus your team.
Despite the fragility of the economic recovery and the serious challenges that loom ahead, this is a rare moment to be either at the top or at the bottom of the real estate industry stack. It is those in the middle who are being squeezed. Read about the five elements that will define the real estate firm of the future.
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