Ron Heckmann

Ron Heckmann is a corporate positioning and media strategist based in the San Francisco Bay Area,

Retail developers are finding that urban sites are among the best new and ongoing development opportunities given the demographic shifts to cities, said panelists of the ULI Fall Meeting in Chicago, and transit-oriented development is a top prospect for retail and retail-housing mixed use.
Few places speak more eloquently in embodying the attributes of a ULI Heritage Award than its first honoree, in 1989, Rockefeller Center. ULI’s Heritage Award is given periodically to developments that have demonstrated industry excellence for at least 25 years.
Some housing markets are beginning to stir, be they ever so humbly micro-markets. That’s one conclusion drawn by a ULI San Francisco panel, which dug into some of the details of nascent recovery, and what might be ahead. Some lessons learned and strategies offer insights to other markets responding to pockets of job growth. Hear what the three panelists offered to developers and investors for moving ahead.
The San Francisco Bay Area has weathered the recessionary storm better than most regions but continues to wade through a backlog of foreclosed homes, such that virtually no for-sale housing has started construction in the past two years, said a panel recently sponsored by ULI San Francisco. But read why the panelists see a very bumpy year ahead in that market and across the country and why homebuilders should move cautiously.
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